I guess I am a bit overdue for another blog, huh? It's just that, well, nothing exciting is going on! Except for my vacation, of course. Still getting things ready for that. With that being said, I did replace Chucky's brakes at the MINI of Dallas DIY day here recently. I had so much fun! It was a blast getting to learn things. And then, I replaced the turn signal bulbs and side scuttles all by mahself too! Yay, go me! I discovered something, though. I don't think the whole mechanic side of it is exciting. If I were to learn a lot about cars or whatever, I couldn't do that for a living. I think it's exciting just to learn new things. I want to be a student forever! So that begs the question...what profession would that fall under? My original major in school was Nuclear Engineering. That was mainly because math and science come so easy to me. Then I determined I wanted to be a zoologist. That is still a very real possibility. Depending on what I did with it. I could go into the research side and then it would be a constant learning! I guess that would be true for anything in a research field. I could always go back to nuclear engineering and just find a job at a research firm. That sounds like a plan. First, however, I have to start school back up. Can't wait for summer!! woot!
Do you ever feel....shunned? That is how I have felt the past week or so. Pushed out, ignored, even laughed at and made fun of. It could all very well be in my head, but I notice it in the little things people do. In the expression on their faces when they first see me; It's the 'OMG it's HER' look, the one people erase half a second later and put on a fake smile. It makes me wonder what it is about me they don't like. The way I look? The way I act? What?

If I knew, I could fix it. I mentioned that in one of my earlier blogs; If you don't like yourself, change. But I DO like myself, for the most part. I think I'm just paranoid, and looking too hard for friendship. Everyone can be my friend! yay! But I seem to forget that not everyone wants to be my friend. Why should I be the one to change? It's not my fault they can't understand what I'm going through. So screw it. And screw them.

High school drama. You hear that phrase all the time. 'Stop with the high school drama, already.' The thing is, it never ends. we just learn to deal with it, with class. High school drama is not just for high schoolers. All the things we thought we left on the graduation stage, never end. Not having the latest fashions, not having the latest gadgets, not having the latest toys, cars, slang, whatever. It seems like I am always behind the curve. I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. A lot. I think I'm still a bit emotional over everything.

Moral of the story! is, keep your chin up. One day someone will come along and be the best friend you ever had. They won't care you don't have an iPhone, or the latest (and probably ugliest) boots. I just hope they come soon, keeping my chin up is a lot of work for someone so tall.

I want to go back to school. Right now I am aiming towards a zoology major, but it's always something that keeps me from going. First, it's money. Money always seems to be a necessary evil! >=o( You can't make good money without a degree, but you can't get a degree without money! We make too much money to qualify for financial aid. But not enough to pay out of pocket. Vicious cycle! I can't even volunteer without a degree. Or at least some sort of experience (again, not seeming possible without a degree). I could find a job to make enough money to pay for my school, but then I wouldn't have the time to go. I think it's crap! I think schools should cut their admissions in half! Maybe then more people could afford to go. Until then, I'll just sit here waiting.....maybe one day.